Post Pandemic Vision


While wading through the uncharted waters of a viral plague in an interdependent global economy, thoughts arise about what kind of world could we build if the present one crashed completely?  This may only be a bump in the road and by this time next year everything returns to business as usual.  Even now many in one affluent country are speculating it’s all over soon, we’ve blown it out of proportion, and everyone should relax and go back to work as soon as possible.  Others are saying the fun is just getting started and we’ve lost our opportunities to prevent it.

For the record I’m writing this on March 25, 2020.  I have my own speculations based on what has happened elsewhere.  Yes, I agree with those who suspect the virus has circulated here for many weeks already.  Yet they do not understand that we are nowhere near the herd immunity level, and that unchecked exponential spread of the infection will create havoc not before experienced by this generation of fairly comfortable North Americans.

This may not be the big civilization busting event our psyches expect, but it’s not too soon to use our imaginations to think creatively about how we could build a better one.  We are well on our way to dystopia on many fronts.

I believe many people are speaking on this.  I feel compelled to write what I imagine possible.  (Some of this most applies to the United States. I cannot speak for other places).

The Crossroads

In spite of the sense of dread and panic circling the globe, one has to admit it’s fascinating to be conscious of a shared experience worldwide.  A friend in India is just now starting a 21-day lockdown.  The human race has a shared enemy that we cannot see.  Not every country is on equal footing in this war and many who have already been thrown under the bus by a system of great inequality will suffer more than those who can hide away in large homes with plenty of food.  However, no one can be completely sure of their safety.  We are on a collective time out. 

As the skies clear, rivers run cleaner, and mother nature shows us a picture of what it could be like, how could we find a way to get back to that?  Humans are extremely innovative when urgent needs arise.  We have responded to a threat that we perceive as terrifyingly personal.  What if we valued our natural environment with the same urgency?  Why don’t we realize it is the same thing?  Even if you believe global warming isn’t real, or just a natural cycle, we cannot ignore that we are killing our home and ourselves with trash and poisons. 


The Earth

Clean & restored.  Nature bounces back.  Petroleum crashes, new energies become profitable – sustainable – restorative.


People learn their bodies need certain things to be healthy.  Food, nutrients, rest, water, exercise.  We understand the need to collectively care for medical needs and to be prepared for emergencies.  Both citizens and governments understand their own responsibility to the whole.


There is an abundance that can be shared to benefit all.  We are chided for hoarding toilet paper.  They have been hoarding wealth for centuries.


Technology makes learning possible anywhere and everywhere (with more connectivity).  Children 12 and up don’t need to attend a classroom every day, meeting for sports, art, or other active pursuits.  Alternatives exist to free up space, time, and resources.  Education on all levels is seen as investment in the future of a society not an avenue for building wealth.

Needless Excess

We realize what is essential to life and how overconsumption robs the planet and our peace of mind.  We can live in less house, with less (more nutritious) food, less throw-away, single-use merchandise.  Things that last have more use and value.  Our current form of capitalism relies on the mad increase of consumption at the cost of everything else.  A middle-class house 50 years ago looks like a tiny house compared to expectations today.

Localized Economic & Agricultural Systems

As old ways decline, new ways of income and industry arise as local artisans, craftspeople, farmers, teachers & healers lend their skills to their local communities.  No one is “self-sufficient” but communities can become much less dependent on large suppliers of everything.  Bartering and trading services becomes common as currency becomes less valued.  Local currencies may arise for community trading.  Growing food is possible almost everywhere with hydroponics, permaculture techniques (even in dry land areas), and using urban spaces strategically.

Multi-Use Buildings

With so many work and educational activities possible from home – buildings that are now dedicated to one entity could become shared spaces for work, worship, and education, and other social gatherings greatly reducing the use of resources to build and operate them.

Restaurants to Kitchens

Locally operated kitchens can be a benefit if food is sourced ethically and workers are not exploited.  Many alternatives can be created to our current system of food service.  While a hugely profitable sector of our economy, our eating out habits, and most especially the fast food culture, has done great damage to our food, environment, and health.  We have created a system of fatal decadence. 


A book-length discussion in itself but the most urgent change that needs to take place is to remove the oligarchy who are members of, and serve, the 1% who own 60% of the wealth.  I do not know what will break this system where they always get their way and throw us enough crumbs to keep the gears in their machines turning.  No political candidate that serves the interests of the people and does not take their bribes will see the light of day until there is a major overhaul or a revolution. Revolutions often know how to overthrow but lack wisdom to govern, so this is not the preferred path. 

*Real laws against corruption and conflict of interest need to be passed and enforced. 

*Voting needs to be open and accessible to all without obstruction. 

*Reliable information needs to be available so people can fact check without agendas. 

*Political campaigns need to be overhauled so it isn’t a race of the candidate with the most money, and dishonest salesmanship, but the most honorable qualifications. 

*Change the military world policing policy and funnel trillions of dollars back into our own infrastructure.


Last but not least, it’s easy to observe how religious beliefs (of all flavors) can be a force for healing or for dividing and de-valuing others.  Wouldn’t it be great if people of all faiths got in touch with the light within that sees value in all human beings as equal creations – whatever their believed source.  This would be a sign of true enlightenment.  But with or without religion (for you don’t need a religion to come to this conclusion), humans can choose better and the religions that decide to remain behind can become obsolete and fade away.

This list is far from exhaustive.  These are only a few things that have arisen in my mind the past few weeks.  Many of these ideas have circulated for years and obviously are not original to me in any way.  What I am calling for is the action to see them come to pass.  Crisis creates opportunities.

Ask yourself, of all the things we take for granted in our civilization – how many of them would be unnecessary without greed?  Borders?  Interest on borrowing? Mass incarceration? Wars?  How many can you list?  What would you change if you could?

– John Lennon