Five Second Miracle

Yesterday was cold. I didn’t have anywhere essential to go or anything all that essential to do at home. Teenagers slept till about 1pm and the day managed to disappear before I knew it. After we ate dinner I decided a brisk walk in the winter like wind to the mailbox down the road would maybe delay the sedentary lifestyle diseases I am now incubating.

Eager to re-enter the warm house, I paused to check a few garden plants. Watered seedlings that had taken a beating in the cold wind, and noticed the bean plants looking pale. I grabbed the liquid fertilizer to treat just the outside row to test its effectiveness. Literally five seconds is all it took. Maybe less. I noticed a leaf by my foot with some strange white fuzzy things attached.Β  Nature’s surprises – the miracles I treasure.

6 thoughts on “Five Second Miracle

  1. What is it with teenagers and sleeping? My 15yo sleeps till noon at the earliest…if he manages to make an appearance around 11 on some days I almost feel like the end of the world has arrived…oh wait… πŸ˜‚

    Anyway, as long as he gets his school work done. What do I care when he does it. πŸ™‚

    • It’s been a challenge living in a tiny house with nocturnal children! I might have to start drinking vodka before bed lol.

      • Same. I’m the first one to go to bed. Don’t even ask me when the tween and teen sleep at night, if they even sleep at all at night. I can tell you they will sleep till noon every day though…


      • omg

        We forced our kid to unplug by 11. Whether he does not not I’m not sure, as I’m asleep by then. But his dad is often up till midnight and says he appears to at least adhere to the before midnight plea. Ugh.

        One of these days these kids will have jobs during DAYLIGHT hours…it’s going to be culture shock for them. πŸ˜›

      • My adult kids proved they CAN do it but with recent job losses have gone back to their old habits. My youngest asked me yesterday if I did this when I was young and I said only to cram for a test the next day. He said I was weird. Life before technology.

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